Many thanks to Steve Canon for being a contributing colorist for Focus Comic which features an #autisticsuperhero and #autistic talent. Steve is drawn to this social cause project because he has a lot of compassion towards kids who experience bullying and hardship during their childhood years. Steve loved the opportunity to be part of a project that will reduce bullying in the playground, and allow kids to have a good childhood experience. Canon had the pleasure of coloring some of our #autistic intern’s artwork (Tabidi Elkhalil). Canon colored various super hero characters within the book including some fun #zombies ! If you are interested in seeing Steve Canon’s contribution, please check out pages 7 & 15. He colored 10 panels within the 24 page comic. Steve Canon is known for working on #Sissonne; #LastJudgement and super heroes. Please support Steve Canon’s and Tabidi Elkhalil’s art in our pursuit in promoting greater #autistic representation in the comic industry, #autismawareness and acceptance in society.
An Autistic Super Hero Arrives