Focus Comics Christmas Graduation Event

Focus comic free art camp for autistic and special needs kids: Yesterday, we had our winter graduation event celebrating our students artistic development in digital art.

Our students were delighted to receive their art on a certificate of achievement that resembles a Focus comic cover; a Mor pillow gift (to wish our students good health) and sensory keychains as a gift to celebrate their accomplishments.

The parents were also delighted with a surprise pillow gift. We hope everyone will benefit from better sleep and health in 2024.

The families loved the free catering at Habit burger in Avondale. We love them!

Congratulations to Elora, Vanessa and Eli for being our student of the month. The received drawing devices, family bowling packages and art supplies as gifts.

Please visit our social media pages to see more photos and content for this event.

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Focus comics