We are proud to be hosting a free Artist of the Year Awards 2023 in celebration of young autistic and special needs talent in Avondale.
The award ceremony takes place December 17th in Avondale.
The Award Ceremony will include 3 prestigious trophies, prize gifts for our winners and runner ups, and free catering for those attending the award ceremony.
If you are interested in having the opportunity to win this prestigious award, we will be hosting an online zoom class December 7th at 6pm. The class will be 40 minutes in duration. Students will be taught how to complete the assignment remotely. Assignments must be submitted by email within 2 hours of class. There will be some limited in person classes available to those in need of extra support.
Please send us the following information to apply for a spot in class.
Name of student:
Age of Student:
City of residence:
Parents Name:
Parents contact number:
Parents Email:
15 lucky finalists will be selected to join us at the Artist of the Year award ceremony on December 17th.
Good luck.