We recently ran a 4 week free art program celebrating the Kings coronation, and the lives of real kings; queens, princes and princesses!
The kids enjoyed learning how to draw King Charles, the Prince and Princess of Wales using acrylic markers and water color paints for this program.
Check out our students art and their graduation event:
We look forward to mailing our art to Buckingham Palace.
Today we celebrated our student’s accomplishments by gifting our students certificates of achievements featuring our students art. They resemble focus comic covers!

In addition to this our students loved their Blick art supplies and wacom gifts. Our students look forward to learning digital drawing with their digital drawing devices and they also look forward to learning how to use the other art supplies. Many thanks to Samurai Comics for providing an inspirational venue to host our Focus comic graduation event.
Thank you Rebekah and Rae for providing two parent testimonies:
Our students loved their complimentary Sprouts cookies at the event.
Want to support autistic and special needs kids through project Focus comics? Please support us in any way you can. You may reach out to Yvonne our creator at [email protected]