Many thanks to Kevin Anthony De Castro for being a contributing colorist for Focus Comic which features an #autisticsuperhero and #autistic talent. Kevin jumped at the opportunity to help our autistic intern Tabidi Elkhalil bring his art alive with glowing colors charged with energy and magic! Kevin believes it is a great honor to help Tabidi Elkhalil in fulfilling his creative potential. Kevin Anthony De Castro enjoyed coloring Tabidi’s work and is excited to watch Tabidi progress in his professional career. If you would like to check out Kevin’s art, please check out pages 13, 17, 20 and 22. He did 11 panels within the 24 page comic. Kevin is known for working on #GIJoe, #ScarlettStrikeForce and Moon Streak. Please support Kevin Anthony De Castro and Tabidi Elkhalil’s art in our pursuit in promoting greater #autistic representation in the comic industry, #autismawareness and acceptance in society.
An Autistic Super Hero Arrives