Our Focus comic free art camp for autistic and special needs kids is growing! Meet our new students!
We are now 92 weeks into our free art camp. This week our creator Yvonne Wan, taught the kids about the art of Foreshortening in comics. Foreshortening refers to the technique of depicting an object or human body in a picture so as to produce an illusion of projection or extension in space.
Here is this weeks highlights film. Check out our students art:
Check out our students art. More art will be shared once we receive all the scans from the students.
Missed our class?
Here is the class tutorial below.
Class duration 40-60 minutes depending on the childs abilities.
Art supplies needed: Paper, Pencil, Marker, eraser, coloring pencils or markers.
Want to support our social initiative? Please support us in any way you can!