We have just launched a free 6 week digital art program for autistic and special needs kids. The program introduces our students to the art of digital drawing; teaching our students technical skills in digital character design, an exploration of human emotions and facial expressions. The character designs will be based on fruit and vegetables. Autistic kids and kids in general sometimes find it challenging interpreting human emotions and facial expressions. This free child development program equip our students with creative artistic skills whilst engaging our students with valuable social emotional learning opportunities. Our students are allocated presentation slots where they develop their communication skills and self confidence. The program also includes social feedback from class mates and the teachers to help inspire our students to pursue meaningful arts and strive for excellence.
This week our students learned how to draw fearful cherries. Our students were encouraged to design their own fearful cherries characters using the eclipse tool; fill tool, line tool, paint bucket tool as well as using the digital pen. They also learned how to create duplicate layers. Check out their art. We split our students into two groups (Group AB&C) to enhance our student learning experience and foster closer friendships among a smaller group of class mates.
Our students are all excited to have this rare opportunity to learn digital art from award winning comic creator Yvonne Wan (Certified social cultural anthropologist), and the Focus Team. Many thanks to Douglas Hebert (Certified art teacher and comic artist) for providing support this week, and our special education teachers for their consultancy.
Check out our students art:

Want to support our project? Please support us in anyway you can, such as purchasing one of our books or reach out to our creator Yvonne at [email protected]