Focus comics are pleased to announce that we will be hosting a free Christmas hero art program and the Artist of the year awards ceremony for autistic and special needs kids and youth (6-21 year olds) in December.

The online art program starts Sunday December 1st at 2pm for 40-60mins on zoom. Students who require extra support may book an in person class subject to availability. One to one classes are available anytime between Nov29 -Dec 11.
There will be an in person graduation event on Saturday 7th December where we will hand out 3 artist of the year trophies; graduation certificates that features the children’s art that resembles a comic cover and special gifts to our autistic and special needs students. Our students will also get to meet military and first responder heroes at the event, explore hero vehicles and learn about some of the cool hero work they do in the community. We will also have a class of 2024 photo of our students with our local heroes at the event. Complimentary catering will be available for our graduates on December 7th.
Our graduation event venue: 10165 W McDowell Rd, Avondale, AZ 85392
We serve kids and youth within Maricopa Arizona.
Please register for the free art program by sending us the following info:
- Students name
- Parents name
- Parents email and telephone number
- City of residence
- students age
Email: [email protected]
Art supplies needed: if you have a digital device; please use that. If not, please have plain 8.5×11 inch paper (printer size paper), pencil, eraser, ruler, thin and thick black markers; coloring markers or pencils. Students are required to send us their art using a flat bed scanner within 3 hours of class if they have one at home. If they do not have one at home: they will have 24 hours to submit their scans to the teacher. Scanners are available at the library or fed ex. Alternatively you can drop off the art work in person in Avondale.
Love our project? Please support us in any way you can. Please order our comics on and website and some of our merchandise featuring young autistic talent. Thanks.